Business Name: IraqiMarriage

Business Segment: MBA Fakhro / Greenfield Capital / Social Networks

Year Founded: 2018

Fund Name: MBA Fakhro Two

Ownership: MBA Fakhro Two owns 100% of IraqiMarriage


Business Overview: The IraqiMarriage website and app caters to the needs of Iraqi community to find the best match to tie the nuptial knot. It is easy to search files and helps you communicate with the prospects via messages and easy user interfaces.

As of 2019, Iraq had a population of 40,000,000 people with a high population growth rate of 2.73% and a low median age of 19.4 years. The internet penetration increased substantially during the 2010s from 3% in 2010 to 50% in 2017. With a large number of people set to come of age, internet penetration rates approaching ubiquity, and the global shift away from arranged marriages, it is expected that demand for online matrimony services in Iraq will increase substantially over the coming years.