Business Name: Eetery

Business Segment: MBA Fakhro / Information Technology / Business Software

Year Founded: 2018


Business Overview: Eetery is a restaurant management software with the restaurants of today and tomorrow in mind. Unlike in the past, the restaurant industry is heavily reliant on data to allow you to get an edge on your competition. It is no longer enough to just offer real world skills to get ahead. Offering good customer service and good food are of course important, but these efforts need to be guided by technology as the foundation of your efforts. With good customer service, you need the training manuals and training courses to ensure their effective implementation. Good food is about having accurate recipe manuals that can allow you to produce the same items with consistency over time and over multiple locations in different states, and sometimes even in different countries. Data analytics is another useful tool to allow you to capture the items that each customer buys and prefers. Online ordering and delivery and other innovations that allow you to get ahead if you make the best use of the technology available to you.

Restaurant owners most of the time, have to contend with the daily grinds of running their businesses. Managing a restaurant is undoubtedly one of the most daunting tasks that an entrepreneur can undertake. Restaurant management involves a lot processes, that if done right, would ensure the smooth flow of the enterprise and even increased profits. However, doing all the hard work does not cut it when it comes to restaurant management. Many restaurants end up earning pretty much the same despite best efforts on the part of restaurateurs and managers. This is especially true for small restaurants. Many mom-and-pop operations still contend with the hassles of keeping up with the daily requirements of food service such as menu planning, order taking and inventory update.

Fortunately, many technologies are being developed to aid restaurant owners in their everyday undertakings. These technologies take the form of devices and solutions designed to make restaurant owners’ lives a little better.

For software developers, the restaurant industry has become a niche market, owing to the huge market returns that the sector has been experiencing and the existing demand for new automation tools. In a United States Census Survey, it has been found that the US restaurants’ sales totaled roughly $500 billion in 2018. This development gives the impression that most Americans currently prefer to eat out rather than cook at home.

Restaurant solutions are meant to automate the business processes involved in running such organizations. However, many processes require specific software, making automation an expensive proposition for those who want to improve all aspects of their business. Management of restaurants require solutions such as CRM for marketing, HRM for human capital management and inventory management software. Because of this development, it is no surprise that more and more restaurant owners and customers alike have been embracing these new technologies.

Thanks to the development of restaurant management applications, all such processes can now be overseen using a single solution. For first time users, focus on certain areas can be very useful in their selection of restaurant management software providers. Ideally, key features should include functions such as billing, CRM, stock and inventory and reporting and analytics. Automation of these tasks helps ease management burdens while improving sales and enriching customer experience.

Not all restaurant management software solutions are created equal. At first glance, it may seem that the natural choice should be the one on the top spot. However, different restaurants have different requirements. It is up to business owners and managers to choose what they think is best for their establishments.

Latest restaurant management solutions have far more features than the ones mentioned above, they are:

  1. Table management
  2. Cashflow management
  3. Accounting
  4. Employee Scheduling
  5. Order monitoring
  6. Payroll processing
  7. Analytics

With Novo Resto, you can achieve all of your restaurant objectives through on user friendly application that integrates the front end of restaurant with the backend, in order to ensure a seamless customer experience from ordering food through your app to the processes involved in making, and even procuring the food needed.